McIntosh points out that often we are taught that racism and sexism are concepts that place others at a disadvantage however we are rarely taught that they place many who are not of color or of the female gender at an advantage.
McIntosh speaks from her own experience when she says, "Only rarely will a man go beyond acknowledging that women are disadvantaged to acknowledging that men have unearned advantage or that unearned privilege has not been good for men's development as human beings, or for society's development, or that privilege systems might ever be challenged and changed."
I found these sentiments to be true in my own life. Men are important facets in my life and when I read this I think, what is a woman who loves men to do when this rings so true?
McIntosh later in her essay speaks about race when she relays that at one point in her life she decided to make a list of the effects of white privilege in her own life. Here are a few samples from her 46 point list.
1. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my own race most of the time.
10. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race.
17. I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color.
21. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.
She goes on to say "The word 'privilege" carries the connotation of being something everyone must want. Yet some of the conditions I have described here work to systematically overempower certain groups. Such privilege simply confers dominance, gives permission to control, because of one's race or sex. The kind of privilege which gives license to some people to be, at best, thoughtless, and at worst, murderous should not continue to be referred to as a desirable attribute. Such 'privilege' may be widely desired without being in any way beneficial to the whole society. More over, thought 'privilege' may confer power, it does not confer moral strength. Those who do not depend on conferred dominance have traits and qualities which may never develop in those who do."
Reading this essay took me back to college when I read Allan Johnson's Privilege, Power and Difference. In that book Johnson made a list similar to McIntosh's list in which he described ways in which white privilege affects white individuals and people of color.
McIntosh made her list as a white woman however I believe that all races can make lists of their own. Being that we live in a very white washed society I think that there are indeed people of color who have internalized racism and women who have internalized sexism.
We have been saturated as a society by racist and sexist ideals. Being that our schools may not have brought this to light I suggest that we all take on some homework. Let us make our own lists. I think if we take pen to paper we can come up with a long list of how our privilege has benefited and hurt us and how it has hurt others. Notice what you feel as you write, as you read, and as you ruminate. Then take action.
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