Monday, August 17, 2009

Rachel Foux works with women and their vaginas

Rachel Foux

Rachel Foux works internationally as a holistic sex, love, and relationship coach. I recently saw her in the UK documentary film "The Perfect Vagina". The film exposes many issues surrounding labiaplasty surgery. In the film Foux helps women learn to accept their vaginas for what they are and what they look like. She is the founder of this project which is called The Household Companion project.

Foux discuss with women how to recover vaginal tone post-natal, how to recover from a vaginal prolapse and more. She works with women one on one or in small groups by listening, supporting and encouraging them to get to know their bodies while assisting in recovering from pain and shame.

I will say that while I think this is beneficial to some women I would have a difficult time taking part in it. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case for many. Never the less, I think that Foux is doing extrordinary work. It is impressive to see a woman dedicate herself to improving the lives of women in this way.

According to an online article from the process will allow women to

  • use relaxation techniques such as visualisation and deep muscle relaxation as well as group discussion and sharing
  • learn more about the female anatomy, especially that everyone has a different shaped and sized vulva and different sexual likes and dislikes (even personalities).
  • learn about the female arousal cycle as this knowledge brings greater self-empowerment and a deeper understanding and acceptance of who we are as women.
  • look at their genitals in a mirror and, if they wish to, share this with the other women in their small group. This is an act of self-empowerment and helps all women to realise that they are all come in different shapes and sizes and there is no such thing as a normal or perfect vagina. Indeed, everyone is beautiful in their own right.

Top Tips to Love Your Vagina

1) Take out a mirror and look at yourself

2) See if you can recognise all the parts of your genitals – the outer lips, the inner lips, the clitoris, the hood, the entrance to vagina...

3) Acknowledge that you may not be like the pictures in all the anatomy books but everyone is different. You are normal just the way you are.

4) Close your eyes and visualise your genitals as the most beautiful flower in the garden, imagine that your lips are the petals of this flower and, when you open your eyes, gently touch your labia lips with your fingertips as you would touch the petals of the flower.

5) Create a positive statement as a daily affirmation whenever you have negative feeling about your vagina. For example, “I am perfect just the way I am’.

Remember everyone is different... and not just in the shape of their face but also in their genitals. No-one has the perfect vagina, they are all different and perfect in their own way.

So by getting to know and accept your genitals you will increase the potential for pleasure and orgasm and all-round sense of wellbeing.

Find out more at


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