Saturday, July 21, 2012

Top Ten Feminist Stereotypes

From via equal

Top 10 Feminist Stereotypes:
Would this be your list?

1. We’re frigid and hate sex.
2. We’re sluts.
3. We’re lonely “cat ladies” who can’t get a man. Therefore, we are bitter.
4. We get knocked up for fun just to have abortions on-demand.
5. We’re hairy, angry man-haters.
6. We’re just desperate for male attention.
7. We want to dismantle the patriarchy so we can establish a matriarchy! Muhahaha.
8. We are intellectually unserious.
9. We are the sanctimonious women’s studies set, with our heads up our academic asses.
10. We are loud-mouthed bitches who won’t shut the fuck up and make you a sammich.


  1. This is ridiculous. Even among feminists, there are a lot of different "categories" of people.

    I think the problem that I come to face most often, is that people don't take me seriously. It's not because I'm girly that I'm not a "real" feminist. I'm proud of being a woman, being feminist doesn't mean that you want to be like a man.

    1. If women are equal to men, then anti-feminist, men are in a tizzy. If we are parallel to each other, then men cannot dominate, act above or ahead, or feel superior. Therefore, women are often told that the desire for "equality", actually translates into, "too much." We want too much, we want what is not ours. It's upside down thinking.
