Just recently I viewed a documentary from the UK's Channel 4 station. I've come to be intrigued by many of their featured documentaries and I found "The Perfect Penis" to be interesting and altogether saddening.
"The Perfect Penis" - Part 1
"The Perfect Penis" - Part 2
"The Perfect Penis" - Part 3
PART 4 is not available on YouTube
"The Perfect Penis" - Part 5
"The Perfect Penis" - Part 6
The documentary speaks to male insecurity and desire for dominance. One young man admits that he lives in an area where plastic surgery is abundant and he feels pressure to conform. Another man admits that penis size is about dominance for him. Another admits that he feels pressure to enlarge his penis as pornography teaches this (one of the many reasons I do not advocate pornography).
The women that are interviewed offer varied responses. Some believe that penis size should not be of much concern while others believe that size makes a difference in the bedroom.
We all have insecurities and I would like to point out that many of our physical insecurities are due to patriarchy. Straight and gay women alike are under pressure to fit into a mold that the media insists women should aspire to.
In the heterosexual community (and let's face it when it comes to sexuality most media is aimed towards/to please the heterosexual male) some men conform to the harms of patriarchy as they feel they need to compete with each other. Not only is it a competition over who is larger but it is a competition of status. Larger to many equates to dominance over women. More specifically it is assumed that any woman would prefer a larger penis and that once a woman receives this in the bedroom then she will be ultimately submissive to him, praising him and inflating his ego. It's not about connection ladies it's about a sense of surfaced empowerment. This kind of attitude makes me want to run.
For those who may think that with this post I am taking an opportunity to male/penis bash, please think again. It is my admiration of men, women and the concept of respectful community that I say these things.
For those who are interested, visit a previous posting entitled A Serious Look at the Penis, which speaks to how beautiful, weird, silly, complex, simple, humble I find the penis to be. I also mention that the way I view the penis often depends on the situation, person, and connection to the owner.
When a man views his penis as a power tool of sorts, the penis becomes ugly and dangerous in my eyes. A penis can become dangerous in my eyes not just because of the idea of rape or abuse but the idea of hierarchy or dominance.
That being said I also believe that we can celebrate our bodies including our genitalia. Rather than overcompensating to rid ourselves of shame why not take the time to teach ourselves to embrace what we have? Easier said than done I know, but it is possible. It would definitely be less expensive and less dangerous than penial enhancement.
I mention in my post A Serious Look at the Penis that, "I can only hope for the future of men that they can learn to see that their penises do not make them stronger. That they can celebrate themselves but also feel humbled by their own bodies."
For further reading and interest I highly recommend the book, A Mind of it's Own: A Cultural History of the Penis.
I read it a year or so ago and found it to be quite interesting. The book speaks to how the penis has been viewed through the ages. I have found that things haven't changed much throughout time. But make your own judgment.
If any of you are interested, Channel 4 also has a documentary entitled, "The Perfect Vagina".
To view the documentary and read my thoughts visit my post, "The Perfect Vagina - Documentary." The documentary speaks to how many women view their vaginas and how many are turning to labiaplasty to create their own version of the perfect vagina.
In the film sculptor Jamie McCartney presents his "Design a Vagina" project. It is with this project that he casts plaster molds of women's vaginas to display the diversity. To read my post on McCartney and his art visit my post, Sculptor Jamie McCartney and his Design a Vagina Project.
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
5 weeks ago
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