It's one of those things that you can't believe it actually exists. I'm assuming the creators of this costume knew that their product would ruffle some feathers. Well, I'm practically molting.
The above costume is from Trick R Treat Costumes
The woman in the above photo is quite thin but from where I'm standing she doesn't appear to be anorexic. If she were anorexic she certainly would not be able to maintain breasts like this posing model. Although, I think it's safe to say that the breasts of this woman are either surgically enhanced or photo shopped.
If you search the internet for "Ana and Mia" you will see a list of pro ANArexia and BuliMIA websites. These sites are designed by those who discuss tips and "THINspiration" to further one's eating disorder (Although, now a days there are many websites out there disguised as Ana and Mia sites but are actually sites that attempt to steer women and men towards recovery).
There are enough socialized pressures which can trigger and affect those with eating disorders. Now, Trick R Treat costumes has come up with the idea of marketing, glorifying and simutaenously poking fun at the complexity that is an eating disorder. had set up a petition which demanded that remove the costume from their shelves. I visited the site so that I too could sign the petition but once I reached the site I was surpised to find that there was no need.
In less than 5 hours, the petition succeeded. A representative of informed dana SPARKdirector, Petition Organizer, "I have removed the costume Anna Rexia from my store and will never sell it again."
Good work to all those who signed the petition!
The costume has been sold elsewhere but due to the controversy the costume continues to be pulled off the shelves.
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
3 months ago
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