Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gay Marriage is Finally Okay in the Eyes of Our President. What Took Him So Long?

Obama had said that his views on gay marriage were evolving. Now they're evolved?

Today President Obama announced to America that he is an advocate for gay marriage. I am thrilled to pieces. I had a physical reaction to this news. Excited tension in my chest and a warmth of relief. Even so, resentment towards his former stance lingers like swirling smoke.

I voted for Obama as I agreed with the majority of his politics. I voted, knowing that his views on gay marriage were short sighted and oppressive. He was comfortable with civil unions but not with full fledged marriage. He took the safe route. In no way was it the easy route in terms of garnering republican votes. But it was safe in that he had one foot in the marriage bed and one foot out. He was in no way committed.

When Obama said that his thoughts on gay marriage were "evolving"; I felt disappointed. If we are to assume that this is true, then that tells us that he at one point believed that gay marriage was unfavorable in some way. You might be thinking; "Well yes, Lady J, during his first election campaign he voted for civil unions; not marriage". I question the Presidents honesty during that time. A part of me thinks that he was pro-gay marriage from the start. If I'm right, he was lying to us.

If he was indeed against gay marriage then that is crushing. If he was against gay marriage and only NOW is he seeing the light, that hurts too.

We may vote so that the person running things will work for us and work well. But working FOR us includes a convoy of behind-the-scenes men and women who assist the President when they sway; urge; corral; hold back, and push the President forward, in good time.

His opposition to gay marriage during his first campaign may have indeed been a way to play it safe. If he came out swinging a rainbow flag, no doubt he would lose the votes of many a heterosexist. Now that he has established a base, he is able to take advantage of "the young vote" and "they gay vote".

But hey, perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe it's all in my head. What I know for certain is that the President has not evolved.

In his ABC interview he told us; "I had hesitated on gay marriage, in part, because I thought civil unions would be sufficient," the president said. "I was sensitive to the fact that -- for a lot of people -- that the word marriage is something that provokes very powerful traditions and religious beliefs."

Sufficient? Ask any married heterosexual couple if a civil union would have been sufficient. Ask the President if a civil union would be sufficient for him.

Timeline: Obama and Same Sex Marriage

His announcement today.

Obama Supports Gay Marriage

I don't consider this to be a case of better late than never. I am excited that the President is supporting my gay brothers and sisters. This triumphant moment belongs to the LGBTQIQ community but also for heterosexual individuals. I want to exist in an environment that creeps closer to the side of good. There is still so much to be done. I am in no way satisfied. I long for the day in which there is no distinction between "gay marriage" and "marriage."

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