Thursday, July 28, 2011


"We are already connected with the field of intention, but the question is, HOW connected are we?"

This is a question posed by spiritual author and speaker, Dr. Wayne Dyer in his taping of a seminar for "Power of Intention". It is currently up on YouTube. To view it click here.

Also on YouTube is Dyer's Excuses Be Gone.

Dyer is commonly known for his powerful and insightful books which include, The Power of Intention, Excuses Be Gone, Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life and more. 

Although, I have watched them before, I decided to again watch The Power of Intention and Excuses Be Gone.

I'd like to share some of the things that I have learned and things that will definitely take practice. Rewiring one's brain is no easy task. Especially if you have lived a life of pessimism.

There may be many reasons as to why we are pessimistic. Family upbringing, lack of emotional support, environment.

Dyer says, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Seems like a simple concept, yes? Perhaps, but I see it as incredibly challenging. I'm a Taurus, which means I'm stubborn!

Dyer says that if we are to look at the universe as a hostile place then that is what we will bring into our lives.

The law of attraction is one that I have struggled with. I have struggled with the idea that whatever thoughts we send out are sources of energy and that same energy will return to us. Is it that black and white?

According to Dyer it is.

"All that God created is good. So, when you say I want to feel good you are really saying I want to feel God. I want to feel this source of all things. I want to feel what it feels."

I personally believe in God. Not all do. Dyer explains that some people may refer to God as "source", "the universe", or other things that equate to a higher power.

Dyer addresses a common question which is, how can one feel good when there is so much pain in the world? When people are dying of cancer, when people are starving, the list goes on and on.

Dyer tells us that "No amount of feeling bad will help other people. When you feel bad and say I can't do this, I don't deserve it, you have created resistance and separateness from Good. Use the emotions you feel, sadness, fear, anxiety and use them as a barometer to see how you are feeling. When you are resistant you are keeping yourself from feeling good."

"Every thought you have that says I can't do it is resistance and takes you away from source. When you say it's never worked before, what you want to create prevented."

Dyer tells us to "stop being offended". Uh? How can we possibly do that?

He tells us that "If you think about what is missing don't be surprised if you keep attracting what's missing into your life". Profound ay?

"If you think about what has always been, then don't be surprised if what always has been is what keeps showing up in your life - because thoughts are energy."

Dyer encourages to keep thinking about what we want. If we want a better job, if we want to lose weight, if we want a romantic partner, we are to continue thinking about it and put our attention on it. Eventually we will be able to act on it.

"The ego and awareness cannot coexist. The ego says that I care about what other people think of me. That who we are is what we do, accumulate, and what other people think. Thinking with awareness allows excuses to be gone from our life. When you think with awareness your first thought no matter what it is, is, "With God all things are possible.'"

He reminds us that if we do this it does not mean that all things will instantly be better. It does however, mean that we will begin a new way of looking at anything that comes our way in life. In time we will get to a place where we will be able to understand that we can handle situations which we previously thought we could not. We will understand that we are not alone, and the solution is out there even if we do not know what it is at the time.

"All excuses are misalignments".

Dyer says, to rid ourselves of excuses we must practice contemplating what we intend to manifest. In the Excuses Be Gone program he offers a quote from Aristotle. "Contemplation is the highest from of activity."

Later on he offers a quote by Virginia Woolf. "Arrange whatever pieces come your way."

Another quote he offers is by Carl Jung. As a psychiatric social worker I have studied the theories of Carl Jung and Dyer has studied him as well. The quote by Jung is this. "The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They can never be solved, but only outgrown."

Dyer follows by offering a humorous but profound addition. "Don't believe everything you think." Marvelous. 

So here's where some real work comes into play. In Excuses Be Gone, Dyer encourages us to ask ourselves. "What would my life look like if I couldn't use these excuses?" That we would no longer think that what we want to seek is too risky or that we are impaired in some way.

He says that every time we were to think about how we want a better job, relationship etc, we should go to the place in our imagination where we understand how great it would feel if we had no excuses. If we could truly accomplish what we want to accomplish. Happiness? Contentment? 

He says that when we go to bed at night the biggest mistake we make is when we review all the things that we don't like, all the things that upset us during the day, all the things and people that are missing from our lives.

What Dyer refers to as "the habitual mind" aka the subconscious, cannot make a distinction between what is literally happening to us and what we are imagining. When we fall asleep with these negative thoughts, our subconscious mind thinks these are the things we want. If we are to think positively, then our subconscious mind aligns us "in a mysterious way that none of us can understand which allows for the manifestation of the materialization to take place."

So how do we practice this way of being? After all it is something that will take continuous practice. He tells, us that we have to affirm our new way of being by saying things like, "I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to do with ease and comfort." He says that even if it may not be true we can affirm it which will lead us to where we ultimately want to be.

Sounds like a "fake it till' you make it" strategy. In the past I've been suspicious of this route as it seems rather dishonest.  That we are basically lying to ourselves so that we will think things will turn out better. That we are telling ourselves that things may change for us positively when most likely they won't. It took me some time to understand that we are bringing positivity into our lives so that we can end up handling tough situations with better emotional preparation and stability. With greater ease. At times I am still resistant but I have to remind myself of the greater goal.

Dyer tells us that every time we have a doubt in our head, every time we think to ourselves, it's too risky etc., the first question we should ask ourselves is, "Is it true?"

For us doubters we very well may say, "yes." Yes it is too risky.

The second question is, "Are you 100% sure that it is true?" In other words, are you 100% certain that you will not get that job you want, that you will not find that relationship that you want? Can you prove that there is no way you will achieve what you wish to achieve? 

The answer is NO.

Dyer tells us to think about the reverse of our negative thinking. Our thought that it is too risky becomes, "It is going to be easy." Then again ask yourself, "Is that true?" The answer is NO. But THEN ask yourself, "Am I 100% certain that it is not true?" NO. So, why have we been telling ourselves that bad things will always happen to us?

Dyer gives us some affirmation that will help us in confronting our excuses.

It's Going To Be Risky

"Being myself involves no risks. It's my ultimate truth and I live fearlessly."

It Will Take A Long Time
"I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my own destiny."

I Don't Deserve It
"I am a divine creation, a piece of God. How can I be undeserving."

No One Will Help Me
"The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show up on time."

It's Never Happened Before
"I am open and willing to attract all I desire being here and now."

I'm Not Strong Enough
"I have access to unlimited assistance. My strength comes from connection to my source."

It's Too Big
"I think only about what I can do now. By thinking small I accomplish great things."

I Don't Have The Energy
"I feel passionately about my life and this passion fills me with excitement and energy."

It's My Personal Family History
"I live in the present moment for being grateful for all of my life experiences as a child. All of them."

I'm Too Scared
"I can accomplish anything I put my mind to because I know I'm never alone."

Sound good? Sound like hard work? You betcha.

Want more? Take a look for yourself.

Excuses Be Gone

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Want more?

Power of Intention

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

To learn more about Dr. Wayne Dyer visit his official website here.
To visit Dr. Wayne Dyer's official facebook page click here.

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