Recently I posted about Summer's Eve "Hail to the V" campaign. Summer's Eve is a company that sells douches, and vaginal washes and wipes. In my recent post I discussed the campaign's racist strategy and I also posted the commercial ads that featured supposed, black, white and latina hands speaking as if they were vaginas. To read that post click here.
A few days ago I was sitting in a movie theater and one of the commercials presented was none other than Summer's Eve's Hail to the V.
The commercial features men from different time periods fighting in battle for vagina.
The woman speaking in the commercial does so in a gallant way and says, "Men have fought for it, battled for it, died for it. One might say it is the most powerful thing on earth."
The commercial then cuts to present day and in a very cheery voice the woman says gleefully, "So come on ladies! Show it a little love! Cleansing wash and cloths by Summer's Eve. Hail to the V"
I am being descriptive as I have no idea how long the commercial ad will remain on YouTube. If you are able to, watch the video below.
When I was sitting in the movie theater watching this, at the commercial's end it received a couple of awkward giggles. I imagine that others will find the commercial harmless and humorous. I however, take issue with it.
The ad tells us women and men that men are more interested in vagina than they are women themselves. And because men are so interested in our vaginas we must make sure to dress it up in a way that they'll appreciate it. If we don't they won't want our vaginas anymore.
The scent and cleanliness of a woman's parts and a man's parts for that matter is something that is personal to each individual. And if a woman and a man, or a woman and a woman or a man and a man are in a romantic relationship with each other, the topic will also be between them.
Washes and wipes are an option for anyone but an uneccesary option as good ol' unscented and non-toxic soap and water will do the trick. And for those of you who forever reasons don't know, the vagina is self cleaning. If you insist that your vagina smell like lavender and you are willing to run the risk of poor health then Summer's Eve might be the product for you. If there is a real problem a doctor will help you, not Summer's Eve.
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
3 months ago
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