Sunday, November 8, 2009

Retiring Thanksgiving

Well, it's officially Happy Gobble Gobble Day month.
For me personally, I think I have retired Thanksgiving. For me, it has become an obligated holiday.

I haven't attended my family's dinner in several years. When I did show up, I'd see
relatives whom I don't have much relation to.
I hear the same questions...

1) how's work?
2) boyfriend?

Additionally, I have a sexist uncle...if I were to witness his behavior at this point, I'd probably
walk out...and it'd be the year that Lady J ruined Thanksgiving.

I've opted to work on Thanksgiving for the past several years or so. In the past several
years I've worked with children and adolescents. Extremely violent/sexualized girls
who act out, kick, hit, spit and yell because they have no family...we were their family and we ended up having to physically restrain them on the floor (as this was a part of every work day and mandated) with our bare hands and legs....

I have also worked with adolescents at a runaway youth shelter. Kids that don't have the opportunity to understand what "family" is or can be.

Really makes me think about what Thanksgiving can be for me.

This year during Thanksgiving I will again be working and this time at a psychiatric inpatient/residential facility.

Some patients will be aware of what day it is, that it is Thanksgiving and that they
are not spending it with their families, but rather nurses who feed them medication.

I try to practice gratitude in my own life. Certainly at times that can be difficult for all of us.
However, I personally have come to find that this one day of the year does not represent gratitude for me.

Partly due to our history with the Native Americans and how we treated them.
But also because my family seems to get together for one good meal (eggnog pie with chocolate shavings...yum!) and then the men watch footie-ball and the the women do the dishes. Everyone comments on how great the meal was and then we all go home. Um...what was the purpose?

If any of my peeps out there ever decide to forfeit Thanksgiving with their families next
year...let me know! We can sit around eating grilled cheese sandwiches with ranch
dressing and discuss what we are really thankful for (Has anyone ever watched the episode of Friends where the six friends attempt to make separate plans for Thanksgiving but their plans are ruined. They then end up spending Thanksgiving together and because the turkey was ruined they ate grilled cheese sandwiches).

To all of you who will be attending a family dinner on Thanksgiving, I hope you have a grand time, and are truly thankful to those whom you decide to call family....including annoying aunt Gretta!

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