Saturday, February 20, 2010

salons are not for introverts


Today I got my hair cut. I've decided that I can no longer put up with the thrifty Fantastic Sams or Super Cuts. It's difficult to receive a good haircut with those places so I've given in to pricier salons.

Regardless of which salon I venture it's always the same. My hair is cut by someone who wants to chat. I have no idea if stylists are encouraged by their superiors to chat up their customers for the sake of sales but it always seems as though the stylists genuinely wish to gab about this or that.

While there is nothing wrong with a person wanting to initiate friendly conversation, I often find it too difficult to strike up or keep up with a conversation when I'm getting my hair cut. While us introverts do most often prefer one on one conversations to group settings I feel that forced conversation is quite difficult.

When I speak I feel like there needs to be purpose and it is difficult for me to engage with strangers for prolonged periods of time. Although, I think one can learn so much from strangers and find reward in engaging with them I think for my energies it depends on the situation.

In the salon's chair I feel pressured to entertain the stylist and simply do not have the energy to exert. My responses to my stylists questions were no doubt a disappointment. "No, I don't watch American Idol, No I am not all that interested in the Tiger Woods scandal."

While I do not consider myself to be an unfriendly person I am not one to entertain. I don't like to be in the spotlight. Whenever I enter a salon their is a buzz of gossip and to be honest there is usually at least one stylist that is far too loud and obnoxious for my taste. Too much stimulation for this lil' introvert I suppose.

Whenever I enter a salon I know I'm going to have to talk. While this may seem like some kind of social defect I know better. It's true introversion. I attempt not to appear impolite but I'm sure the stylists that have snipped at my locks have thought me impersonal.

Sorry my dears. I'm not mean, I'm just not outgoing.

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