Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Synesthesia: A Film by Jonathan Fowler

Ever since I can remember I have associated colors with numbers, letters, words, days of the week and months of the year. I never questioned it until recently. I now have a name for it. Synesthesia. More specifically Grapheme Color Synesthesia.

Synesthesia: A Documentary by Jonathan Fowler

Boing Boing presents a remix of "Synesthesia," a documentary directed by Jonathan Fowler ( about people whose senses blend, or mix. For instance: a synesthete might see colors when listening to music, or taste flavors when hearing a spoken word.

In this documentary, Dr. David Eagleman of Baylor College of Medicine explains this condition, and four synesthetes explain how they perceive the world.

The full-length version of this film was produced with support from The Research Channel (, and is available for viewing on their website:

CREDITS: Directed & Produced by Jonathan Fowler. Cinematography by Rex Jones & Jonathan Fowler. Music by Moby & Olis.

* David Eagleman, Ph.D., neuroscientist, Baylor College of Medicine
* Marilynn Masten, synesthete
* Julia Cochran, synesthete
* Tiffany Gill, synesthete
* Sean Day, synesthete

If you yourself think you may have Synesthesia, I highly reccomend that you visit Here you can take a battery test which will assist you in determining if you have Synesthesia. Simply click, "Not Sure If You Are Synesthetic" on the right hand side of the page.

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