I've posted about the amazing Tracy Anderson before. She continues to impress me time and time again. I had discovered her years ago when I was interested in finding out who Madonna's trainer was. I had always admired Madonna's sculpted arms and I knew there had to be someone helping her out with that.
The Tracy Anderson Method is quite incredible. The cardio pieces are all dance cardio. This suits me just dandy as I love dance and have been dancing in various forms since childhood.
In this post I will be focusing on her arms workouts.
The below video is my all favorite Tracy Anderson footage featured on YouTube. It is a workout video that Anderson made for one of her clients, Gwenyth Paltrow.
Although, Anderson does incorporate weights in her workouts she prefers to use her own body's resistance for her workouts. I love this. I find it unique as so many workouts focus on lifting weights only.
Tracy Anderson Arm Workout
I don't even know the name of the song in this video but because of this workout I actually like it. It's not the type of music that I generally go for but the workout really matches up with the beat of the song.
Tracy Anderson Arm Workout Webisode
A great workout video however you'll notice the gentleman working out behind Anderson is way off. I often wonder why so many workout videos show individuals who don't know the routine and error frequently.
Tracy Anderson "Sitting Arms" Workout
To learn more about Tracy Anderson and The Tracy Anderson Method visit her official website. You will find her dvds for sale, other products for purchase and information about her Los Angeles and New York studio locations.
Official Tracy Anderson Method website.
Official Tracy Anderson Method facebook.
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
3 months ago
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