Sunday, December 18, 2011

She said to me, "I have cancer"

A friend of mine introduced me to the work of Abraham-Hicks. I've completed two books by this entity. One is entitled  "The Law of Attraction" and the other is "The Astonishing Power of Emotions."  Both were recommended to me by my friend. Kristy Hatton. She is a fitness and wellness coach in the southbay California area. 

The books are supposedly "channeled" which I find to be a load of hooey. Esther Hicks and  Jerry Hicks were a married couple. I say "were" because earlier this month Jerry passed away. Abraham is supposedly the spirit guide which is channeled through Esther. I know this may turn many of you off. It turned me off.  The reason I didn't completely turn away is because I trust my friend  Kristy immensely and she spent some real time talking to me about how the books have really put some very important things into perspective for her. She is also the most positive thinking and joyous person I know. So why not give it a shot? I've found contents of the books to be very interesting and they are giving me focus. How great is that?

I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer. I think it is no coincidence that within the pages of "The Astonishing Power of Emotions" that I landed on a chapter entitled, "I've Been Given a Frightening Diagnosis: How Long Will it Take me to Find my Solution?"

The book talks about the concept of upstream and downstream. We often feel that we need to fight against the current to get where we want to be, but when we do that we are causing more strain on our emotions. We are filled with fear and anxiety and depression. This does not mean that we are not to accompany our wants and desires with action, but it does mean that there is a concept of "allowing" which leads us to flow with ease downstream. Allow me to offer excerpts from the book to explain this concept.

"Your very belief that you need to overcome this adversity has you pointed upstream and away from the solution."

Sound crazy? Initially I thought so too. Here are some examples from the book about upstream and downstream thoughts. When you read these statements, pay close attention to how you feel when you.


"This is a very scary diagnosis"

"I should have taken better care of myself"

"Why did this happen to me?"

"The options for treatment aren't pleasant"


"I'm not going to let this get the better of me"

"I can beat this."

"I will triumph over this"

"My well being is inevitable"
The purpose is to bring forth relief rather than tension that accompanies negative thoughts. When I feel doubt, depression, anxiety, or sheer panic, I am filled with physical strain, lack of confidence, a feeling of incompetence, a loss of memory and concentration a fear that I will continue to dwell in this space. How about you?

Below, Abraham- Hicks explains how downstream thoughts assist us.
"When you feel relief, you have lessened your resistance; and when you lessen your resistance, you are flowing in the direction of your desire. The physical manifestation of your wellness will not be fully evident immediately, but that is not necessary. For now you have discovered the art of allowing your well being rather than the impulse to resist it, your well being must return."

"As you continue to attempt to guide your thoughts downstream, in time that will become your national inclination; it will come easy to you -- and your wellness will return. At first your relief will be sporadic; in time, your relief will be consistent -- and the manifestation will match the relief."

How Long Will it Take Me to Find my Solution?

"While it is understandable that you might still be asking these questions, as you are longing for a quick resolution to your frightening diagnosis, the questions themselves arise from the premise of experiencing sickness and needing a solution. And so, your questions are definitely pointed upstream. They also reveal your lack of understanding about the power of the Stream, its direction and it's ability to take you to the solutions you are seeking. When you ask, "How long before I will see improvement?" you are actually asking, "How long will I be here in this place I do not want to be?" The variation of those words may seem slight to you, but we assure you that the vibrational difference is huge."


"How long before I will see improvement in my body?"


"Improvement is natural."

"All in good time."

"Now, these may not seem to you like earth shattering statements, and you may not really completely believe in them, but none of that matters. The only thing that matters is that by focusing a little bit, you have made yourself feel a little better. You did not put a motor on your boat and race instantly to some miraculous healing, but you did stop the resistance -- you did release the oars; you did turn in the Stream. You did everything that was necessary right here, right now.

Occasionally something will happen, you will observe something, someone will say something to you, or you will remember something that causes you to point upstream again. However, this is not a problem for you because you are now aware of your position in the, once again, with a little bit of effort, you can release the upstream thought by replacing it with something that feels better."

So, whaddaya think? Whether you are fighting a physical or mental illness, or whether you are fighting to find peace of mind, I believe the teachings of Abraham-Hicks are benefictial. Abraham-Hicks has taught me that fighting doesn't get me anywhere.

I am a woman who believes in God and I see how the teaching of Abraham-Hicks can fit right in with my belief in something bigger than myself. I am also a psychiatric social worker who works with mentally ill patients. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a common and popular practice which involveds switching negative thoughts with positive and I've used it. So the concept is an old one. And oldie but goodie.

I am at the point where I am actually able to notice how I feel when I think positive thoughts (downstream) vs. negative (upstream). In the past I would  attempt to think positive thoughts only because I figured that's what I was supposed to do. It made more sense than thinking negatively. I am a pessimist and have been since I was a wee lass. My friend Kristy inspired me to experiment with this way of being  and it is paying off. It is definitely hard, but it has been helping . Initially I found it miraculous that I'm actually able to tell the difference in how I feel. Butreally it's not miraculous. I am doing myself. There is no miracle here; and that is a wonderful feeling.

Cancer, which my friend is dealing with; is not like anything I have experienced. Even so, I believe that my friend can benefit from what I am learning and I have exposed her to the philosophy of Abraham-Hicsk. Whether she decides to utilize these teachings is up to her and I will continue to server as a support system in anyway I can.

In my own life I've been blessed with obstacles laid out before me and I have been trying to incporporate upstream thinkings. I'll say to myself things like, "Things will go smoothly throughout the day."  Sometimes I'll catch myself thinking in the midst of a sentence like that, "Well, ALL day is a stretch, and nonsensical. Part of the the day is more like it."  But then I stop myself. Why cut myself short? Whether things go smoothly for the entire day is not important. It's that I am in a place where I can transition my thoughts so that I feel better. And when I feel better, I do better. 

Now, initially I had a hard time with this because I felt that I was lying to myself. I felt I was being inauthentic and I couldn't stand that. But now, I am at a place where I can understand that there is actually a possibilty that things will go smoothly. Maybe it won't be, but there is indeed a possibility. And the fact that there is a possibility is relieving. It feels good. And now I can say positive things without always feeling anxious and resistant when I say them. I'm not doing this consistently but some of the time I am. I'm not thinking positive thoughts while clenching all my muscles and afraid that bad things will happen. For the most part I'm not. And do you know how I got to that place? By practicing. Isn't that amazing? I naturally ended up in a place where I can actually SEE that there are possibilities for me. I never thought I'd get to this place. I've got a long journey ahead of me but I'm glad to see even an inch of improvement for myself.

I find it interesting that rather than offering my friend with books about grieving I am reccomending books that explore the concept of ignoring grief and focusing on the positivity that is present.

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