Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama again promises to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" & gay rights march gets very little coverage

On Saturday October 10th, President Obama again promised that he would end "Don't Ask Don't Tell" so that gay men and women could serve in the U.S. military openly.

Saturday President Obama spoke at a fund raising dinner for the Human Rights Campaign about this issue. To 3,000 individuals, Obama proclaimed, “I will end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell. ” “That is my commitment to you.”

The speech took place the eve before a big equality march in Washington D.C.

Many have been outraged with Obama, stating that he isn't doing enough to end "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and that he's not moving quickly enough. To be honest I have no idea if he's taking too long or not. I don't know how long it takes to accomplish this goal.

I think Obama's intentions are good and I believe that he wants to rid the U.S. of this awful military rule.

So, my beef isn't with how quickly he is or isn't working on this issue. My complaint has always been that Obama is against gay marriage. However, sometimes I wonder if he really is and simply feels pressured to say that he is against it. Of course if that is the case he is practicing pure evil as he is deceiving us all.

Here Jon Stewart speaks about the lack of coverage on the gay march. Unfortunately, it wouldn't post to my blog so here's the link.

In the video ther is a clip of Lt Dan Choi who despite many letters of protest (including mine) was discharged from the military as he is a out and proud gay man. I posted about this issue long ago. It can be read here.

I wish issues that involve the LGBTQI community weren't viewed by so many as a "gay issue" but rather an issue for all. I am not gay but I take it personally when so many dismiss important issues that involve anyone. We are a human family however I think so many forget...or choose to forget that.

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