Recently, I wrote a post about Tyra Banks and her show. In a nutshell I described a love/hate relationship with her. Well, rather a like/dislike relationship. I do not admire the fact that she has a tendency to contradict herself when it comes to her views on body image for herself and for other women. However, I do admire that she often does shows with interesting topics that are often helpful to so many.
Today's Tyra Banks episode is an example of just that. I don't follow the show regularly, but if it happens to be on and catches my interest I will watch.
Today the topic of Tyra's show was menstrual cycles. Tyra called it "The Period Party."
Tyra had a panel of female doctors speak from a medical perspective on the various issues surrounding a woman's period.
Tyra and her audience wore a red shirt with a black dot in the center to represent a woman's "period" (I think that a black shirt with a red dot would have made more sense as a menses is more often red).
The show felt very cozy as a large group of women came together to discuss a common occurance.
I was also thrilled to see a couple men in the audience who weren't afraid to sport the period shirt or to partake in conversation.
The man in the above picture is explaining how his girlfriend will actually wear a diaper when she has a heavy flow.
The show covered a range of issues from cramp relieving remedies to, sex when a woman is on or not on her period, to inserting a tampon, to embarassing period stories.
One young woman insisted that her cramps will disappear if she performs a handstand for approximately 3 minutes. One of the panel doctors explained that perhaps her muscles were relaxing during this process as exercise can actually help with cramp relief.
The same woman also mentioned that drinking pickle juice will help her. The same panel doctor explained that the salt might be helping her, and she may be replacing electrolites.
Another young woman said that her Indian grandmother passed down a remedy that consists of pomegranite seeds, salt and pepper. Another panel doctor agreed that the combination has potential healthy effects.
One woman from the audience explained a ceremonial tradition which she practices. As a Hasidic Jewish woman she explained that Jewish women are required to immerse in a mikvah seven days after their menstrual cycle has ended. A Mikvah she explained is somewhat like a spa as she herself visits a place in which she can walk on heated stone floors and relax and eventually immerse in a large body of water. From the duration of her period and until she goes to a mikvah she and her husband cannot touch in any way. After this period of time the couple may engage in sexual and non-sexual relations. The audience member explained that it is somewhat like a honeymoon each month.
Tyra also attempted to teach a young woman how to insert a tampon. The young lady went behind a screen and later to a bathroom in attempts to insert it. She continued to have difficulty but said she would keep trying.
All and all I found the show to be informative and I am glad that topics like this are being tackled on tv. The conversations presented may have been graphic in nature to some, however, I am all for more healthy vagina talk in the media.
Rather than hushing up about a often private and unfortunately sometimes a controversial area, I think it is important for women to learn to embrace their vaginas and its functions. And for all the men out there, although you don't have a vagina, most likely you know someone who does. Just as I think we should learn to be open when discussing male genetalia, it is benefitial to be open in regards to female genetalia.
So, thanks Tyra. Yes, I still feel cautious whenever I'm near a tv screen that shows your face. However, I was impressed with today's show.
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
2 months ago
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