Friday, July 10, 2009

Tea Club

I don't think Fight Club would have been as good a movie (or book) if it involved tea...but it sure would have been comical! Can you just see Edward Norton and Brad Pitt sipping tea? Pinkies up you think?

Tea Club Shirt

Tea Club Mug

1. The first rule of TEA club is you don't talk about TEA club.
2. The second rule of TEA club is you don't talk about TEA club.
3. The third rule of TEA club is when a biscuit breaks or goes limp, the DRINK is over.
4. Forth rule is one MUG at a time.
5. Fifth rule, no cream, no sugar.
6. Sixth rule, DRINKS go on as long as they have to.
7. And the Seventh and final rule, if this is your first night at TEA club, you have to DRINK.

Tea Club Mug

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